Update 1.4.3563 improves quest reward variety


Fresh patch notes here. Today, we’ve got rebalanced quest rewards and some changes for genes and children, plus various bug fixes. The changelog is available below.

With the wide variety of items added over the past few expansions, it was time to revisit quest rewards. Our community's feedback and discussions on Reddit were especially useful!

We wanted to make sure that quest rewards were varied and rewarding throughout all stages of the game. This update reduces the frequency of some rewards and removes others, like double beds and slab beds. You’ll now see a greater variety of cool and valuable quest rewards including infinite chemreactors, techprof subpersona cores, vanometric power cells, psychic emanators, and more!

We also adjusted ancient complexes to occasionally contain high-value loot. Ancient complexes should feel exciting and rewarding when you finally reach the treasure and make a daring escape, so it made sense to add …

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