Plazas & Promenades Dev Diary #5

Hello again city-builders! Plazas and Promenades is almost here, and I’m so excited that you will soon be able to enjoy it. As with every major expansion, we have a little something for all players who own the base game, and today’s Dev Diary is all about the free content!

Let’s start with a convenient new feature, Quit After Saving, which can be enabled when saving your city. As you may have guessed from the name, it will quit the game once it finishes saving, allowing you to skip the process of saving, waiting for it to finish just to select exit and get a warning about losing progress if you haven’t saved. Very handy when you’re done playing and just need to save and quit the game.

Check the box before saving to quit automatically

New roads
As roads are a central part of any city, we are …

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